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Coldplay - Talk

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

CPCB vision and future direction

After some serious discussion with the owner of the blog, the top management of the company feels that the company need to continously upgrade this blog to maintain our status as the market leader and remain relevant to our investor. Hence, we have decided that in order to do so, we need new guidelines, vision and future direction for this blog. However, this can't be achieve without the help and input from all the members of the company.

Therefore, as the CEO of CPCB BHD, i humbly request all members, shareholders and readers to give the management some sort of feedback in the comment area so that we will know what most of the people will like to see or read in this blog (It may not necessarily related to stocks).
We will slowly develop this blog from the input.

Thanks in advance.

p.s. we dun want to be called headless chicken


random said...

thk u dreamy

some rough guidelines

1. this is an investment/trading blog

2. members free to post anything related to the stock mkt etc

3. u can cut and paste news/articles but pls provide link if possible

4. no need for strict guidelines

Jasonred79 said...

IIRC, the whole reason to start up a separate cbox from seng was... SO WE COULD POST PORN!!!


Ok, anyhow, let's copy Dali's style and put a little eye candy up.

The "level" of this is up to you... but maybe something a little naughtier than Dali? ;)